HK416 A5 carbine replica
Top-of-the-line replica manufactured by Umarex, the undisputed leader in the production of airsoft replicas of HK416 and HK417 rifles and carbines. The replica was made under license from Heckler&Koch, which allowed to put on the replica all markings consistent with the firearm counterpart. This makes the replica a real treat for both collectors and lovers of faithful reproduction of aspects of real firearms.
The replica is made mostly of metal with the exception of such elements as the pistol grip and the butt, which are made of plastic. The barrel is terminated with a left-hand 14mm thread, which allows the installation of almost any sound suppressor. An ergonomic, non-slip-textured pistol grip and a contoured, five-position flask increase comfort while shooting. The front grip equipped with 22mm RIS rails allows the use of additional accessories such as a flashlight, tactical grip or optical sight.
The reasonable discharge velocity makes this replica an excellent piece of equipment for short- and medium-range operations, as well as CQB-type games. Thanks to the adjustable butt, maneuvering indoors will not be a problem.
HK416 is an excellent alternative to the popular replicas of American M4 assault rifles and for fans of special units. The replica presents all the features of the flammable prototype (markings, dimensions, working bolt catch).
To make the replica perform even better on the battlefield, it has been equipped with a MOSFET circuit, which improves the trigger response and increases the life of the replica.
The kit does not include a battery or charger.
Downgrade service to 0.5J and below is not possible.
It is not possible to ship the above replica to Germany.
The kit includes:
– replica
– magazine
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