CM126 Pistol Replica
CM126 by Cyma is an alternative replica for gas models. The replica was made from metal and polymer. Metal parts include: the complete slide and internal mechanism as well as the barrel, trigger and the magazine. Polymer parts include remaining elements such as the skeleton, external barrel and grip panels. At the back of the slide is a winged fire mode selector plate. The safety was placed on the right side of the skeleton. The replica can fire in semi-auto and full-auto modes, which makes it an incredibly efficient sidearm and, in some cases – like CQB scenarios, even a primary weapon.
The replica is powered by a battery located under the dummy slide. In order to remove the slide it is necessary to slide one lock and the entire operation of installation/exchange of the battery lasts mere seconds. An electric motor allows to use the replica – in comparison to gas replicas – in practically all weather conditions, all-year round. In order to gain access to the Hop-Up adjustment knob it is necessary to remove the slide.
The set includes a magazine that was made from metal, with a capacity of up to 29 BBs. The replica is compatible with standard AEP magazines by Cyma: http://gunfire.pl/product-pol-1152189574-Magazynek-29-kulek-do-replik-pistoletow-elektrycznych-Cyma.html
The set includes:
– replica
– magazine
– magazine speedloader
– cleaning rod
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