H.M.G. MK2 machine gun replica
The H.M.G. MK2 machine gun replica is made of metal and ABS. Body, outer barrel, sights and bi pod are made of metal while pistol grip, front grip, heat barrel cover and stock are made of ABS.
Ovearall H.M.G. MK2 is made to be as close to the orginal as it is possible. Included bi pod is werry stable and is adjustable for greather confort, it may be also folded in to the front grip for transport purpuse. Trigger safety placed near the pistol grip is werry handy, it should be pointed that this replica may fire only full auto since is is Machine Gun. As well as the real one it can be feeded from stanag magazine used in moste of the NATO countries.
Internal element”s such as special type gearbox is considerd one of the moust durable on the market. There are no spare becose… it is so durable that there is no need for them.
Set includes:
– Replica
– BOX type magazine
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