LCK74MN NV Assault Rifle Replica
The replica was made from highest quality components with great care for details and resemblance of the original. Almost entire replica, aside from some small elements, was made from steel. An exception is of course the polymer pistol grip and front cradle with the stock.
Considering the materials used and the quality of craftsmanship, the replica is characteristic for its considerable durability. There are no loose spots or examples of inaccurate manufacture and fitting of elements. The entire constructions appears as a single, solid element. Internal parts allows for easy tuning, providing at the same time a long and seamless operation at stock.
Guaranteed by the replica muzzle velocity of ~400 FPS makes this rifle an ideal choice for any assault trooper. Durability as well as quality of craftsmanship allow for the usage of this replica not only during ordinary airsoft skirmishes, but also as a prop or a simulation weapon.
In summary, the replica by LCT is a perfect choice for any russophile enthusiast of military accessories.
The set includes:
– replica
– magazine
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