   JG081 Carbine Replica
The replica is made from polymer and metal. The flash hider, RIS rails, trigger, trigger guard and fire mode selector are made from metal. The stock can be folded to the right side, which makes it much easier to transport the replica. The stock pad is made from rubber. The set includes a Hi-Cap magazine with a capacity of up to 150 BBs. Through the semi-transparent casing of the magazine the user can see BBs and springs inside.
The battery is stored inside the handguard. After the removal of a single pin it is possible to remove the handguard. The double-sided fire mode selector makes the operation of the replica easy both for left- and right-handed users. Trigger guard is attached with two screws, which allows to set its position under different angle within a 180-degree range.Â
   The set includes:
– JG081 carbine replica
– Hi-Cap magazine (150 BBs)
– charger
– 1100 mAh 8.4 V battery
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