VR635 GBB carbine replica
The replica is made of aluminum, steel and high-quality polymer. The The replica”s receiver with the RIS rails is made of aluminum. The pistol grip, magazine (capacity: 30BBs) and the stock are made of polymer. Small elements such as pins, the outer barrel or flash hider are made of steel.
This version of the replica has the characteristic short barrel and a compact, comfortable stock, which facilitates maneuvering it when operating in small spaces and at short distances, where the fast reaction time is the key. The replica is also equipped with RIS rails enabling the attachment of additional devices and accessories, such as laser target designator, tactical grips, flashlights, etc.
The replica is powered with Green Gas, loaded directly into the 30 BBs magazine and has a functioning bolt catch – when the last round is fired, the slide remains in the rear position. After changing the magazine, press the bolt catch to release the slide and insert the BB into the chamber.
 The set includes:
– replica
– magazine
– BB speedloader
– 3 RIS rail covering panels
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