SW-022 Kar98 rifle replica (Real Wood).
The replica of the KAR98K rifle manufactured by Snow Wolf is made of metal and high-quality wood. The entire bed of the replica is made extremely aesthetically, with attention to construction details and the quality of the material used. The metal parts also leave nothing to be desired.
The spring-loaded replica requires reloading before firing each shot. The long barrel and specific design of the replica allow, combined with an initial discharge velocity of ~390 FPS, to fire precise shots at medium distances. Of course, in connection with this, it was not without allowing the shooter to conveniently and at the same time effectively adjust the mechanical sighting instruments to the conditions and preferences of the user. The replica’s magazine holds 24 rounds.
Certainly, the KAR98K replica will find appreciation in the eyes of any lover of historical weapons. High quality and extraordinary aesthetics guarantee its first place among replicas of this type of small arms.
The set includes:
– replica
– magazine
– quick-loader
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