The CM032 replica is made of steel and plastic. The body and some exterior elements were made of ABS plastic. The bolt-carrier, the iron aiming sight, the stock’s foot and the outer barrel are made of metal.
The replica’s body is equipped with a texture and carvings that are nice in touch and thanks to which we gain a sure grip even with wet of dirty hands. The iron sights consist of an open, well visible front sight and an horizontally and vertically adjustable rear sight. The CM032 replica has got a metal bolt-carrier which reload sound will surely surprise every player.
There is a V.7 standard gearbox located inside of the replica allowing to provide semi automatic and full automatic fire. Thanks to the long barrel the replica guarantees a good concentration and range. Additionally, the CM032 model is a great base for a sniper rifle replica.
  The set includes:
    – a replica,
    – a magazine,
    – a tactical sling,
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