GR16 CQW carbine replica
The GR16 CQW carbine replica by G&G was designed as a part of the Combat Machine project, which main objective was to provide high class replicas at a price, which could be considered as economical. Combat Machine replicas feature the highest, typical for G&G, quality of workmanship and work culture as well as high quality of used materials. The main factor allowing to lower the price is using a receiver made of high quality plastic, instead of metal. Another significant fact is that the receiver was made of polymer reinforced with fibreglass – just as the front grip, stock and almost all other plastic elements – while the outer barrel, stock pipe, swivels and most minor elements were made of metal.
The fire selector was placed on the left side of the receiver and is marked with graphic descriptions of firing modes. The replica is equipped with an amazing Blow Back system, which imitates the work of its counterpart in a real steel version. The dummy bolt moves back and forth, delivering a noticable recoil to the shooter”s shoulder, ensuring additional realism and offering more of a “real feel” to shooting. After pulling back the charging handle the shell ejector cover opens, while an imitation of the bolt carrier goes into the back position, allowing to adjust the hop-up. Interestingly, the follower also plays an important part: pressing it releases the anti-reversal latch inside the gearbox, thus releasing the main spring. This siginificantly affects the durability of the mechanism, enabling to retain a high muzzle velocity by minimising the effects of wear of the spring.
RIS rails allow attaching any optical aiming device. Thanks to a full set of RIS rails present in place of the front grip, mounting of additional accessories, like tactical grips, flashlights, laser target markers etc, is possible. By default, iron sights were mounted on the top rail. The back sight is mounted on the RIS rail while the front sight is foldable. The battery can be fitted is inside a SF-type stock. Thanks to a lot of space available inside the stock, a power source of sizable dimensions and hence great capacity can be used.
The replica is equipped with an amazing Blow Back system, which imitates the work of its counterpart in a real steel version. The dummy bolt moves back and forth, delivering a noticable recoil to the shooter”s shoulder, ensuring additional realism and offering more of a “real feel” to shooting. The Pneumatic Blow-Back system operates on the principal of taking a part of the compressed air from the gearbox to a special cylinder that is located above the gearbox’s casing. The small piston that is located in the Pneumatic Blow-Back system moves a thin plate that is attached to it. The plate imitates the bolt carrier.
WARNING: the manufacturer does not advise to use a battery stronger than 8,4V in view of the possibility of damaging the said metal plate.
G&G replicas with the PBB system are equipped with a reinforced V2 gearbox, modified in order to adapt it to the PBB system and add and active spring release system based on the follower mechanism.
The gearbox is equipped with 8mm ball bearings, a brass cylinder head and aluminium piston head.
The package does not include a battery nor a charger
The package includes:
– the replica of a carbine
– a magazine
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