    Mosin Nagant 1891/30 carbine replica
The Mosin Nagant
carbine replica is made of high quality wood and steel, an alloy of zinc and
aluminum and brass. The body and the barrel guard were made of wood which is
equipped with brass ferrules, while as the elements such as the iron aiming
sights, the barrel or the magazine set are made of an alloy of zinc and
aluminum. The bolt carrier, and some other minor elements are made of steel
with the use of CNC technology. Moreover, the replica is equipped with socket
bayonet replica, which due to safety measures is made of plastic.
The precisely made
replica’s bolt carrier operates very fluently. The reload – which was a problem
in the case of the previous spring action models of this replica – is troublefree
and does not require much force. This allows to compensate the lack of the
functionality of the bolt’s archaic construction what makes that placing the
shots with this replica is pure pleasure.
The replica is equipped
with a 670mm long precision inner barrel what significantly improves the
precision and the repeatability of the placed shots. A single load with the
HFC134a type gas or a HFC22 green-gas allows to place 25 to 30 stable shots,
depending on the weather conditions and temperature. The replica is a perfect
choice for any fan of the classical
historical weaponry –and, at the same time, a real catch for those favoring historic
   The set includes:
– the replica,
– a socket mount bayonet,Â
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