RK 104 carbine replica
The RK 104 carbine replica is made of steel and plastic. Only the pistol grip and the fixed stock were made of plastic and the total length of the replica s 860mm.
firing mode selector lever is located on the left side of the replica just like
in the real firearm. The replica is equipped with the
PBB system which
perfectly imitates the operation of the real firearm. It makes the bolt
carrier”s dummy move and gives a perceptible “kick” effect.
pulling the cocking handle, the dust cover opens and the bolt carrier”s dummy
moves backwards. This allows to adjust the hop-up systems.
replica is made in black color. It is perfect to operate on short and middle distances.
carbine uses the extraordinary BlowBack system which adds additional realism
when using the replica and provides the user additional feelings.
The Pneumatic Blow-Back system
operates on the principal of taking a part of the compressed air from the
gearbox to a special cylinder that is located above the gearbox’s casing. The
small piston that is located in the Pneumatic Blow-Back system moves a thin
plate that is attached to it. The plate imitates the bolt carrier.
G&G replica’s that are equipped with the Pneumatic Blow-Back system have
got a reinforced and modified V.3 gearbox. The modification that was made was
the adaptation of the gearbox to the Pneumatic Blow-Back system and adding the
“active main spring release” button in the form of the actuator.
The set includes:
– the replica,
– a magazine
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