LCKS74 NV carbine replica
The replica was made of the highest quality components, with great attention to detail and reproduction of the original. Almost the entire replica, except for a few minor elements, is made of steel. The exception is, of course, the pistol grip made of plastic and the handguard with the gas tube cover, made of varnished plywood.
Due to the materials used and the quality of workmanship, the replica is characterized by considerable durability. We will not experience any looseness or inaccuracies in the workmanship and fitting of the elements. The whole structure seems to be a single, solid element. Internal parts, on the other hand, allow for easy tuning, while ensuring long and trouble-free operation in the basic configuration.
The initial muzzle velocity of ~415 FPS guaranteed by the replica makes this rifle the perfect choice for any stormtrooper. At the same time, the durability and quality of workmanship ensure that the replica can be used not only in standard shooters, but also as a mock or simulation replica. Mounting the optics will be possible thanks to the side mounting rail of the “dovetail” type located on the left side of the body.
The carbine has a frame stock folded to the side of the receiver, thanks to which the replica’s transport and storage became much easier, as well as its use in tight spaces during CQB games. The reduced length of the structure also plays an important role here.
The replica comes with a mid-cap magazine made of polymer with a capacity of 130 BBs.
The kit does not include a battery or charger.
The kit includes:
– replica
– magazine
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